The Advanced CoDriver Assistance Centre
The new Roadside Assistance solution for Anything! Anytime! Anywhere!
Advanced CoDriver Assistance Centre
The Advanced CoDriver Assistance Centre has been established from looking at all these aspects and all the challenges that meet any person who is a driver on South African roads. I would like to THANK Monitor Insurance, all brokers, Mondi, NetCare 911, SAPS Road Accident Collision, RTI, Metro Police, Snipr ANPR* and the TrackBox Development team for working so hard and taking such giant leaps of faith and support to bring together a holistic driver safety plan, a set of values supported by technology – something we can roll out across South Africa and something that each and every person and organisation can be part of, powered by what we call The Tony Winter Project.
CoDriver - Your Digital Safety Belt
Almost 135,000 people have died in road crashes in South Africa over the past decade. The death toll for 2017 is one of the worst in years‚ despite safety campaigns to end the carnage… according to the statistics‚ 14,050 people died in road crashes.
The major causes of accidents are things like talking on your cell phone or texting with WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook while driving; eating while driving; applying makeup and setting GPS devices, to name a few.
25% of the accidents that fall within this group are caused by the use of cellphones while driving. Wheels24 writes, “A single use of a cell phone results in an average of 52 seconds of distracted driving”, which is just over 1 kilometre, impairing the driver’s ability to react to changes in the road which results in this high accident rate.
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17A Msenga Road, Kloof, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa